Tuesday, April 22, 2014



These are some of the items of my Mutiara Pictures corporate identity

Applying logo as signage


This is my project, final year's module and it's the most challenging art subject I've ever had in my life so far because it's related to business marketing. Here, my business projects are making an entertainment service, Theatre. I choose there because based on my experience in Brunei's performing art, a lot of people asked me how do I became a singer and actor. Honestly, I approach my self to find way to become a performer, which is difficult in Brunei. So, my business offer for talented individuals in Brunei to become a professional performer from training and after that opportunity to become a performer will be wider.

Below images are my design and photography.

Left: Mutiara Theatre Academy Audition, this is where, when and how they apply the school.
Right: Film adaptation from theatre. [Photo: From my Drama module photo-session, for Undercover play from Singapore. Model: Ira Ali]

My photography originally from Drama module project, 'Classics Re-Visited', we are doing classic plays for our final project.

Name of the play and director's left to right: 
The Nerd (Director: AJ, USA play), The Midsummer's Night Dream (Director: Azy, UK play), Two Sides of a Coin (Director: Fizah, Brunei play), The Visit (Director: Jihah (me), German play) and Undercover (Director: Fiz, Singapore play)

Another thing is, these individual photos are the main characters.
Actors from left to right:
Azmi, Azy, Fizah, Didi and Ira Ali.

Mutiara Theatre Academy, I wish I can create this school one day. 
All these are my photography and top left is my logo design, actually its from Mutiara Pictures but I change the colours into red represent the theatre's curtain basic colour.

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