Friday, April 25, 2014

"The Last Dream" 3D animation typography. 

Theme: Horror, thrilling and psychologic.

The Last Dream Opening Credit

AR-2203- Motion Graphic Final assignment.
An opening credit for a thrilling "The Last Dream" film I made.

The idea was a montage of the character's psychologic mind, her nightmares and her lost memories of why she killed her sister few years ago.

Soundtrack - "Worst Memories" composed by me with Garageband.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014



These are some of the items of my Mutiara Pictures corporate identity

Applying logo as signage


This is my project, final year's module and it's the most challenging art subject I've ever had in my life so far because it's related to business marketing. Here, my business projects are making an entertainment service, Theatre. I choose there because based on my experience in Brunei's performing art, a lot of people asked me how do I became a singer and actor. Honestly, I approach my self to find way to become a performer, which is difficult in Brunei. So, my business offer for talented individuals in Brunei to become a professional performer from training and after that opportunity to become a performer will be wider.

Below images are my design and photography.

Left: Mutiara Theatre Academy Audition, this is where, when and how they apply the school.
Right: Film adaptation from theatre. [Photo: From my Drama module photo-session, for Undercover play from Singapore. Model: Ira Ali]

My photography originally from Drama module project, 'Classics Re-Visited', we are doing classic plays for our final project.

Name of the play and director's left to right: 
The Nerd (Director: AJ, USA play), The Midsummer's Night Dream (Director: Azy, UK play), Two Sides of a Coin (Director: Fizah, Brunei play), The Visit (Director: Jihah (me), German play) and Undercover (Director: Fiz, Singapore play)

Another thing is, these individual photos are the main characters.
Actors from left to right:
Azmi, Azy, Fizah, Didi and Ira Ali.

Mutiara Theatre Academy, I wish I can create this school one day. 
All these are my photography and top left is my logo design, actually its from Mutiara Pictures but I change the colours into red represent the theatre's curtain basic colour.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Graphic Design for Mutiara Production

My graphic design for leaflet, envelope and business card.

I love this poster!! 'The Visit' is a German expressionist, tragic-comedy play where Claire Zachanassian, who became the world's richest woman in the Europe who decided to return to her home town and offers a million marks to the Guelleners in exchange of killing her ex-lover. 

I designed this poster, I took the portrait of Didi as Claire. This photo is actually for my Drama project, AM-1401 in University Brunei Darussalam. I played as a policewoman and also directing for this challenging play. I admit, most Bruneian did not understand the storyline because its so symbolic. This poster design, it was inspired by 'Salt' film poster. Plus, I like that Claire's red lipstick (I actually told Didi to wear a bright lipstick to make it look like Cruella DeVil-ish but i add add more make-up with photoshop anyway), it shows that madness, anger and blood (Alfred's perhaps). 

So basically, this tragic play is soooooo….. difficult, and it was my first time became as a director. By the way, this is a drama production from last semester called "Classics Re-visited". I am telling you that, last semester, August 2013, was the most horrible semester. I had to direct an extremely difficult play, as animator for 3D animation module, horrible team-mates business course, extreme loads of works from graphic design and design studies. I remember I cried one day in my room because I was so stress with works given. I don't know but I feel like I'm the worst director from the five other groups in drama because my lecturer keep telling me of how wrong I am doing in that play and eventually he help us to make 'The Visit' more symbolic. Sigh. He told me that even the Germans even have difficulties for this play but why did I get this play? With all my hard works doing photography, designing, directing, organizing, became a mother calling my casts just to have practice like every 20 minutes, understanding the contents of this play gave me a heart attack because its difficult to trim down, eventually, most Bruneian did not get what we are doing at the stage with those symbolic and artistic movements and I got a C+ for this module. I feel down anyway. 

I wanted to tell that I learn something from this play, that people in Brunei have not understand about Arts. Paintings, the love realistic and hyper-realistic drawings or artwork but they don't really appreciate abstracts or innovative works because the didn't understand it. Some critics from Bruneian to an abstract painting, "Why would they do this such things? Kids even can splash paints all around", get what I mean? The don't understand that some artist use splash to express themselves in terms of movement and colours. The have lack of knowledge in art. Hope this Creative Industries planning in Brunei works well because I believe it will be a long-term period to reach a success economy with creative industries.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mutiara Pictures Opening

Opening animation preview for 'Mutiara Pictures' horror theme. Might improvise with lecturer.

Making of Mutiara Pictures opening animation

Modelling, animating, lighting and rendering in Maya 2014

Editing in After Effect CS5

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Acrylic painting

'Kordes', German Rose. I made this for our living room. Purple is a request by my mom.

Random painting, inspired form the Youtube videos of realistic painting. Still, I love painting landscapes.

My painting experiment. I love architecture especially Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque in Brunei Darussalam. Its old but fresh, I feel cool every time I looked at it. 
This painting, I got inspired by an artist, Voka in Youtube but I made it my own way with those sketchy effect and value. I made it more independent. 

'The Last Dream' Opening Credit assignment, Motion Graphics.

 Finally! My dream came true. Making of an opening credit for a short film movie called 'The Last Dream'. A thrilling, phsyco and horror genre film show an adventure of Becca (main character) who wanted to end her terrifying nightmare. Becca lost her memory as a murderer of her young sister, Amanda, years ago. Amanda died but her spirit was still around. Mind-twist, Becca lost her memory and face nightmares every night, as she moved forward to the end her dreams, it became reality and she knew who she was. When she met Amanda in the end, choices given: Becca know who she was a murderer, reality means she was inside the nightmare, when dream blackout, Becca's life will be over as well, however she can continue living but her nightmare will continue as a 'just a dream' until Becca died. This revenge game of Amanda is basically Becca's last dream in her life, nightmare.

Well, InshaAllah, hope that I have strength to continue this project as a complete short film. That would be my first production ever. All I need is a team member and support.

I wanted to make this kind of film because I think its unique, I rarely seen a mind-twist film made by Malays. The opening scene are mostly sketches and 3D to make something new rather than a full videography, why not. I might change a bit for the real project because this project I am currently doing is for a motion graphics' assignment.

(Below images are process of my works)

'Mutiara Pictures' opening. Mutiara means pearl. Clam is mind and pearl is an inspiration. Idea randomly came from inspiration same like pearl. I made this opening with Maya 2014.

Haunted house above and below Dark Forest, in Becca's dream. I paint it digitally with Photoshop CS6.

Pendulum with Maya 2014, modelling and animating.

This are scene 1 for the opening credit, will add typography for credits and effects using After Effect.

Will upload more of my current works. Busy March!! T_T

Monday, January 13, 2014

Fantasy Land

Photo-Realistic Digital Art experiment I made. I used a landscape photo and paint birds, fogs, waterfall, bridge and castle.

My Idol

Agnes Monica, an International celebrity from Indonesia, she is my Idol since I was a teenage. Her quotes always make me strong to chase my big dream.

Islamic Digital Painting

One of my favourite digital painting, Islamic art. I highlighted 'Indah' and 'Iman' to reflect Islamic concept. Even from smile and patience, you will create a wonderful life (Indah) and have 'Iman' in your heart.

Life Is Colourful

My experiment on colour.

Bismillah Is a Light

Another Islamic Digital Painting I made. I experiment the light on 'Bismillah'.

Logo Experiment

 My logo experiment for my Graphic Design assignment. I learned this from tutorial on Youtube. Youtube is one of my Art teacher, by the way. =D

Game Industry Artist

Metal Gear: Solid Snake. I have never play Metal Gear before in my life but my friend always want me to make a Video Game kind of Art. It is also because of he never seen local people that can make an Art like video game. However, I wish I can make something like those games as well.


My youngest sister with her obsession, Michael Jackson. I got bored at that time and I can hear my sister played MJ's songs from her room. So, I decided to paint and made this.

Favourite game and film

I love Silent Hill, played the games. My favourite is Silent hill 2 because of the monsters as well. Pyramid Head is my favourite boss in Silent Hill. He looks simple but scary, I do not know why.

Lighting Experiment

This is my colouring and lighting experiment. 


A video game that is gonna release in May, 27, 2014. I have been waiting like forever for this game. I have been trying to save my allowance just to buy this interesting game. Unfortunately, I need to spend more for my artwork assignments. Sigh. $358 a month, for art, car petrol, saving for finance emergency, printing, food. I'm happy, 'besyukur' but…… only art people know how I feel with that allowance to spend for 3 art portfolios and projects for each subjects in a month.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Photoshop Digital painting

After I finished playing Batman Arkham City PS3 game, I decided to paint digitally with Photoshop CS3 for my experiment.

Love when Batman and Joker were together. Why so serious? :)